Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Non-member XP+ Class points Bot

Ok,i know someone already posted something similar to this,but I highlighted it to be non member plus i made it so that all you have to do is load bot,click start,and you are good to go.Feel free to add the quests in yourselves,it wont slow or fasten the bot but its a side-bonus while you bot.
ofcourse,if you want to farm with other people just like at dinocaves,join a public room,also i came up with a dinocaves bot that uses a new idea of fighting and got me defender rank 10 in mere hours :DD (class points boost used).
I f you guys would like,i could post it,also i made it so that it has a built in B+C farmer :3
its slow,but its a bonus for XP+Class points botting :DD


load and run,my bots are all load and run,which makes them that much epiccer :3

Fixed,i made it so you could move to any room of your choice in the new update and start the bot,but i guess adding one Universal room helps,oh and it kinda killed the idea of load n' run,added the Upperlevel of the ship to continuously kill the 3 spawns.Should work like a charm now.

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